If both enemies are champions, they are also stunned on collision. Recast 2: Tap-cast to pull the tethered targets into each other, damaging and slowing all enemies they pass through. If it hits another enemy or pice of terrain, a second tether is formed between the two targets, granting Nilah a second recast. Recast 1: Nilah commands her whip to extend out from the thered enemy's position in the target direction. Tether breaks upon going further than 1000 units. Nilah extends her whip in the target direction, tethering herself to the first enemy hit for up to 4 seconds. Enemies are unable to auto attack champions inside the mist. Lasts up to 10 seconds, but dissipates 4 second after the first allied champion enters its bound. Upon hitting an enemy or terrain, it detonates, damaging and slowing enemies and creating a cloud of slowing mist that extends around all enemies and terrain hit by the initial explosion. Nilah throws a water orb in the target direction. The second strike's damage increases based on the number of enemy champions marked. The second strike instead marks all enemies hit, and damages them after a brief delay. The third attack's bonus damage is doubled, and refunds 50% of her Q ability's cooldown.Īctive: Nilah dashes a short distance in the target direction before empowering her next attack to strike twice and damage nerby enemies in a wide arc shape centered on her target. Passive: Upon casting an ability, Nilah's next three attacks deal bonus damage. Excess attack speed above the cap is converted into additional on-hit damage. Nilah's base attack speed scaling is verry low (.3), but it increases on hit up to 6 stacks. So, what exactly are her abilities? Here is a first look: Ability The animations he made are super basic, but should help you visualize her abilities, as they do sound quite complex. If you want a visual element of her abilities, then check out BigBadBear's YouTube video. We finally get a first look at Nilah's abilities, and they sound absolutely insane and annoying to play against. Definitely a champ for people who like to style on their opponents. Leaks aside, she looks even more insane after that trailer, and it wouldn't be a surprise if she ends up being as broken as Zeri and Aphelios. This is my first Guide so dont blame me or hate me I'll do my best here.Doesn't she look absolutely insane? Looks like our leaks were right about her Q and E abilities, but a bit off with the other abilities. Her attackspeed cant go higher than 0,95-1,00 so items on supports like Ardent are useless for her, or Lulu is not the best idea for lane near Senna. The ghouls spawn more often from minions on lane wich not killed by her, so tanky supports like Alistar, Leona, Thresh or Nautilus are the best for her on lane, thos supports who give attackspeed or movement are not so good or even bad for Senna. Senna is only good or the best with tanky supports because of her passive, and the ghouls what comes from it. Her R is one of the most interesting ultimate of all in the game, 1second and it thist the enemy on the other side of the map shielding the ally and dmg the enemy in the center, I have to mention that her Q and R have AP and AD ratio as well, so you can build her to a little bit of AP too. Her Q heals and attacks even turrets so you can harras the enemy and hit the turret at the same time, her W is a root wich is so great in TF and on lane as well, her E is the best way to enter a battle in both mentioned actions for 2 on bot or the whole team. First of all she is a long (600 unit at lvl 1) with her passive it grows wildly so you can outrange turrets, Caitlynn, and epic monsters. Senna is the newest champion i played her so many times on PBE, and I vahe to say she is a very balanced champion, if you can play with her you are good, if not it is only your fault. Hello I Mark and I play lol since season 4, Im in gold-plat elo (yes not the best) but i can understand the game mechanics and i kno all of the champions in LOL, from the passive to the ultimate, and the secrets with them, so lert start my first guide and it is for Senna the new champion!